Who we are

ŌCHT is a charitable trust and the largest community
affordable housing provider in the South Island

Community housing
We’ve been a registered Community Housing Provider since 2016.
Today, we provide community housing in homes we own, lease or have built to more than 2700 people in Christchurch, Lyttelton and Akaroa. We have about 2450 rental properties making us the biggest community housing provider in the South Island.
We’re a values-driven landlord, but one with a difference. We’re tenant-centric - we actively work with our community housing tenants and social services to foster sustainable tenancies; we do what we can as a landlord to support and empower tenants to enhance individual and community wellbeing.
Affordable rental
We’re supporting low income households into affordable, long-term rental units at prices set below market rental rates.
Our affordable rentals are for qualifying households that can’t afford market rent but that don’t qualify for, or don't need public housing.
Most of our affordable rental homes are one bedroom units in terrace-style multi-unit housing complexes. They best suit people who enjoy living in a community context. Families moved into our first affordable rental homes for families, part of our government-supported Affordable Rental (Families) programme, in our new Carey Street development in 2024.
Our affordable rental programme provides the security of a secure and affordable tenancy, and a new chance to better meet a household’s financial goals.

Progressive home ownership
We’re doing what we can to help people move through the housing continuum, from low-cost renting and into a home they can truly call their own.
ŌCHT’s Progressive Home Ownership programme Secure Home gets low-to-median income earning working families with children into a modern home in a new ŌCHT community development in Christchurch.
Secure Home is a leasehold scheme offering all the rights of home ownership but at a lower cost. It is a leasehold form of ownership. It offers a 100-year right to occupy the home at a purchase price set at the cost of construction, keeping upfront costs much lower than for a comparable property on the open market.
Secure Home provides secure tenure, a family home for life, and the opportunity to support household savings over the leasehold term.
Our first Secure Home properties were offered at our new Carey Street development in 2024. We plan to offer more at our Glue Place/Sparks Road development in 2025.
ŌCHT is a government-approved Progressive Home Ownership provider. Secure Home is supported by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Progressive Home Ownership Fund.

Building communities
We’re a property manager and a new home builder that’s committed to improving and growing community and affordable housing. Supported by our experienced maintenance team, our building and development programme is delivering award-winning, innovative new homes in Ōtautahi.
We’re values-driven and we’re in it for the long haul. We operate in a socially and financially sustainable way to provide and grow community and affordable housing now and into the future.

Housing First
ŌCHT is a partner in Housing First Ōtautahi, a collaboration of six community partners ensuring people experiencing chronic homelessness (kaewa) can access housing and support services.
We second two staff to work with Housing First, and we have in-house staff dedicated to working with kaewa and their support services.
Building a legacy:
Key moments in ŌCHT’s development
April: Expressions of interest process to identify organisations interested in establishing a Community Housing Provider (CHP). The Board decides the CHP would take the form of a charitable trust.
October: Four organisations form a Trustees Appointment Committee: Rata Foundation, Christchurch; Methodist Mission; Canterbury District Health Board, and Age Concern Canterbury.
December: ŌCHT’s Appointment Committee selects four people to become independent trustees: Alex Skinner, Pam Sharpe, Lloyd Mander and Stephen Phillips. The three confirmed Council appointees are Deputy Mayor Vicki Buck, Councillors Andrew Turner and Paul Lonsdale.
January-July: Trustees meet weekly with Council to establish governance and operational requirements.
19 February: The seven trustees sign the establishment trust deed.
13 May: Cate Kearney announced as Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust Chief Executive.
13 June: 15 August: Chief Executive and Senior Leadership Team join ŌCHT.
25 August: The Lease Deed between Council and ŌCHT is unanimously approved.
6 September: The Lease is signed by the Mayor and ŌCHT Chairperson.
8 September: Council approves transfer of $50 million of land and buildings to ŌCHT.
5–30 September: Operational employees join ŌCHT.
3 October: Go live: ŌCHT takes over the council’s tenancy management portfolio.
November: ŌCHT receives its first Income Related Rent Subsidy (RRS) tenancy.
February: Property vehicle (Limited Partnership) established.
May: A Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) is established.
June: A Tenancy Engagement Strategy is completed.
17 June: The in-house call centre goes live.
1 July: ŌCHT takes over all minor maintenance from Council.
Through the year: Is part of a consortium tendering for the Transfer of Housing New Zealand’s social housing in Christchurch; operational philosophy and operational model articulated; change of government and Housing Transfer RFP halted; ends 2017 with 27 employees.
May: Becomes a partner in the Housing First Programme in Christchurch.
1 July: New Maintenance Model (panel of trades) introduced.
1 October - In-house maintenance delivery with a panel of trades commences.
Through the year: Health and Safety and Risk Management Systems implemented; Independent Health and Safety Audit passed; Two Year Strategic Framework developed; tenant information sessions hosted; first Tenant Garden Awards and Housing Heroes Awards held.
30 January: ŌCHT’s first development opens - Louisson Place, Opawa (8 homes).
March: Employment Coach Pilot begins.
June: Lesley Keast Courts, Hornby (8 homes) purchased.
September: ISO 9001:2015 implemented.
Ended 2019 with 37 employees.
February: Charles Street, Waltham (5 homes) opens.
May: Hastings Street East, Sydenham (7 homes) opens.
June: Service redesign (tenancy operations) implemented to give life to tenant centred housing services.
3 July: Tiwaiwaka Lane, St Martins (28 homes) opens.
23 November: Reg Stillwell Place, New Brighton (13 homes) opens.
Throughout the year: ŌCHT becomes a Toitū Carbonzero certified organisation; first tenant Art Exhibition held; first two tenant interns employed; new handyperson service (2 handypersons) established; Ngā Wāriutanga – our values - adopted; worked through Covid-19 lockdowns. Ended 2020 with 42 employees.
January: Toitū carbonzero certification achieved.
January, April and July: Brougham Street’s three lanes - Korimako, Hoiho and Karoro - open (90 homes).
1 July: Scaled up to take over responsibility for planned maintenance services from Council.
10 December: Gowerton Place, Richmond (37 new homes) opens.
Throughout the year: 99% of homes improved to meet healthy homes standards, with $16m invested by Council; partnered with Enable on a digital inclusion project; launched e-bike and e-car sharing schemes; employed a whānau support worker to support whānau at Brougham Street; worked through Covid-19 lockdowns; Tiwaiwaka and Brougham St developments win awards.
January: ISO14001:2015, ISO9001:2015, ISO45001:2018 certifications achieved.
8 April: Coles Place, St Albans (33 homes) opens.
7 September: Glovers Road, Halswell (6 homes) opens.
Throughout the year: Agreed second lease term with Christchurch City Council; continued to draw down Council’s development loan of $55m; worked with Council on land and affordable homes opportunities; met lease agreement’s Maximum Rent a year ahead of modelling to further the aim of achieving a sustainable housing portfolio; 4-day week pilot commenced; FY22-FY26 Five Year Strategic Plan approved; became an accredited Progressive Home Ownership provider; partnered with Māori/Indigenous Health Institute to get Covid-19 vaccinations in communities; thousands of RATs delivered to tenants; two-thirds of ŌCHT’s car fleet electric; carbon footprint reduced; Housing System upgraded to Civica Cx; partnered with universities to study housing-related tenant outcomes; awards for Brougham Street; housed 66 kaewa with Housing First.
March: Toitū net carbonzero certification achieved.
May: Commercial project awards for Glovers Road, Brougham Street developments.
August: 4-day week made permanent across the organisation.
August: Approval for affordable rental and progressive home ownership products achieved.
11 September: Willard Street, Spreydon (35 new homes) open.
December: KiwiSaver fund Generate Wealth, via Community Finance, becomes OCHT’s first private investor, at the Willard Street development.
First mixed tenure development of affordable and public rentals, and PHO homes, planned for Carey Street, Somerfield
Ended 2023 with 54 employees.
April: Christchurch City Council and Government signed a draft Housing Accord to work together to address housing supply and affordability issues in Christchurch.
12 May: Councils adopts the Statement of Proposal that it restructures its Social Housing Portfolio.
21-26 May: A Special Consultative Procedure (SCP) allowed people to have their say on the Council’s proposal to change the way it provides social housing in Christchurch.
18, 24 July: Public hearings held.
August: Hearings Panel meets to finalise recommendations to Council.
September: Full Council considers the Hearings Panel’s recommendations and ratifies the Christchurch Housing Accord.
December: Council establishes the Housing Management Board and delegates authority to find partners interested in establishing a Community Housing Provider.
April: Tenant Insights Groups replace the Tenants Advisory Group as a means to explore service improvements.
12 June: First mixed tenure development at Carey Street, Somerfield (40 new homes) opens.
16 July: First intergenerational homes at Hills Road, Linwood (2 homes) open.
Throughout the year: Secure Home progressive home ownership product launched; First Affordable Rentals for Families tenanted at Carey Street; new Affordable Rentals product available for other units across the portfolio; site works begin for multi-tenure development at Glue Place, Somerfield; property and architecture awards for Willard Street.