Affordable rentals

Affordable, long-term rental homes for people
on low incomes


If renting on the open market is a challenge, we might be able to help.

We’re supporting people on low incomes who are experiencing rental stress into affordable, long-term rentals in one- (and some two-) bedroom units in nearly 100 housing complexes across Christchurch.

Our Affordable Rentals rates are below the market average. Vacancies come up all the time. Get in touch now to see what we have, or to get on our waiting list!

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Affordable Rentals

Affordable Rentals FAQs

  • ŌCHT’s Affordable Rentals are for qualifying people who can’t afford market rent.   

    Our rents are below the average market rent. We're offering Affordable Rentals at housing complexes throughout Christchurch, as properties become available.

    Most of our Affordable Rentals are one-bedroom units in housing complexes of five-to-50 terraced units. They'll suit people who enjoy community living.

    • We also offer special government-supported Affordable Rental (Family Homes) at our new development in Carey Street. These are for working families with children. You can learn more on our Affordable Rental (Family Homes) page.

  • We’re offering Affordable Rental tenancies to low income-earning households who can’t afford market rent.   

    Contact ŌCHT on 0800 624 456 or to learn more or to start the application process.

    Here are some of the guidelines we’ll use:

    • You’re a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.

    • Rental housing affordability in the open rental market is an issue for you.

    • You don’t own any other properties anywhere in the world.

    We have a separate Affordable Rental programme for working families. Our Affordable Rental (Family Homes) homes are part-funded by the government so they have different criteria. You can read more about them on our Affordable Rental (Family Homes) page.

  • We charge less than market rent. This varies according to the kind of unit and the suburb in which it’s offered.

    Rents are reviewed alongside the average market rate each year.

    Contact ŌCHT on 0800 624 456 or for up-to-date details.

  • An Affordable Rental household is subject to the Residential Tenancies Act so has the same rights and responsibilities as any other renting household. We also ask Affordable Rental households to:

    • follow the terms of your tenancy agreement

    • not overcrowd the property. In general, that mean no more than two people per bedroom.

    • maintain your home and garden to a good standard. ŌCHT will undertake scheduled maintenance of your property and will provide other maintenance as required. ŌCHT also maintains common areas in the overall housing community

    • allow ŌCHT to carry out regular property inspections

    • be a good neighbour

    The government’s Tenancy Services website also explains tenants’ rights and responsibilities.

  • Get in touch to apply for an ŌCHT Affordable Rental.

    Call: 0800 624 456


    Our tenancy advisor will help you through the application process and answer any questions.

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