Living in your ŌCHT community
Check out these tips for living in your ŌCHT community
Keeping warm and dry
You can stay comfortable without breaking the bank.
Beat moisture to stay healthy
Everyday activities can cause moisture buildup in your home.
Quick tips: home cleaning
We’re often asked how best to stay on top of household cleaning.
Fire safety
Fire and Emergency NZ attends thousands of callouts each year and about a quarter of them are to house fires.
A secure home
You don’t just live in a house when you’re in an ŌCHT home.
Maintaining your home
ŌCHT wants your home to be as safe and secure as it can be.
Getting connected socially
Positive social connections enhance our wellbeing with a sense of community, belonging and support.
Preparing for disaster
We have had more than our share of emergencies, but not all of us are ready for more.
Staying on top of your health
Most of us say we’re in good health – but we can strive for better.
Being a good neighbour
You don’t just live in a house when you’re in an ŌCHT home.