Keeping warm and dry
You can stay comfortable without breaking the bank.
Here are some power-saving tips to make the next few months feel much cosier in your ŌCHT home.
Trap the warmth by open your curtains on sunny days, and by closing them just before the sun disappears.
Set your heat pump to a timer and with a healthy room temperature (18-21degC is a good guide).
It’s okay to start heating your room before you use it, but most homes shouldn’t need more than 10 mins pre-warming.
Dry homes are cheaper to heat.
Did you know we create a lot of water from body heat, cooking and showering?
To reduce the amount of moisture in the air, it’s a good idea to:
• Wipe down wet surfaces.
• Use the extractor fan every time you cook.
• Cover pots and pans when cooking.
• Open the windows during the day time when you’re at home. This will reduce moisture.
• Remove any signs of mould immediately. If it becomes an issue, let us know.
• Leave gaps between your bed and the wall – condensation from body heat can lead to mould.
• Wipe condensation off windows.
Try and get your first load of washing done first-thing in the morning on a sunny day and hang it outside on the line. This will give you a full day of free outdoor drying time.
Drying clothes inside creates moisture, so try and dry things outside if you can.
All ŌCHT homes have heat pumps—take another look at the instructions, or call us on 0800 624 456 if you need help.
You can compare deals and switch power companies by visiting www.powerswitch.co.nz.

Energy payment
The Ministry of Social Development provides an extra benefit payment to help with the cost of heating your home over winter.
You don’t need to apply - if you’re eligible you’ll get it with your other regular payments from Work and Income. You should contact Work and Income if you’re not getting the payment.
You’re eligible if you’re getting:
NZ Super, Veteran’s Pension, Jobseeker Support, Job Seeker Support Student Hardship, Sole Parent Support, Supported Living Payment, Young Parent Payment, Youth Payment, Emergency Benefit, Emergency Maintenance Allowance.
It doesn’t affect other payments including your Income Related Rent.
Please contact MSD on 0800 559 000 if you think you’re eligible but haven’t received the payment.
How to use your heat pump
We’ve installed heat pumps in nearly 2200 homes as part of the ŌCHT/Christchurch City Council Warm & Dry Initiative.
Read how to use your heat pump by clicking on the flyer below or watch the video from ŌCHT resident Stephen McPaike which shows how to use your heat pump.