Councillors join ŌCHT’s board
The Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust board has two new members.
Christchurch Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter and Councillor Jake McLellan are the Christchurch City Council’s new representatives on the board.
They replace Mayor Phil Mauger and Councillor Yani Johanson.
Pauline’s a dyed-in-the-wool Christchurch resident. She was born and raised in the city, studied teaching here, and has lived in St Albans for more than 35 years.
She was first elected to the-then Shirley /Papanui Community Board in 2010, before being elected to the Christchurch City Council (Innes Ward) in 2013.
She is now in her fourth term and is the Deputy Mayor.
At the council, Pauline has particularly focused on infrastructure and environmental projects, especially as chair of Council’s Three Waters Infrastructure and Environment Committee and as a member of the Regional Biodiversity Champions Group.
She has been a councillor representative on the Christchurch West Melton Zone Committee and a member of the Canterbury Museum Trust Board.
Pauline says meaningful relationships help deliver on community needs.
“It is really important to retain strong links with local communities and local projects, while also retaining a city-wide lens in making good decisions around the council table.”
Pauline’s well-known for her council and community work, but she’s also got decades of commercial experience.
From 1990 until 2010, she and her partner were company directors operating home-based businesses Strydes Ahead Fun Pants Ltd and Aroha Rentals.
She’s also a keen gardener who “always has a book on the go for relaxation” whenever she’s not cycling around Christchurch on her e-bike.
Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter
Cr McLellan has served central Christchurch on the Community Board for the last six years and around the Council table since 2019.
He also serves on Council’s Youth, Audit and Risk Management, Insurance and Chief Executive Performance sub-committees.
“I’m someone who at my core is passionate about social justice,” Jake says.
“ŌCHT provides social justice to people at the coalface so it’s inherently interesting to me.”
Community housing is a cause that Jake cares about deeply. His ward covers the CBD and Linwood – areas that support community and state-provided housing.
“We want more community housing, and good quality community housing. I know the Trust is committed to this and I’m definitely committed to exploring all options to make sure we can build as much of it as we possibly can.
“If we develop a lot more high-quality housing then we can all as trustees past, present and future say we’ve done a good job and been good stewards at the time we were there.”
Councillor Jake McLellan