Free course opens new world

Free digital courses for ŌCHT tenants have started.
Here’s how the first one went.

Kanorau Digital trainer Johnson Keast at the first of the free digital training sessions for ŌCHT tenants.

“How are we getting on,” Kanorau Digital trainer Johnson Keast called as the five-strong class pecked at their keyboards.  “Are we doing all right?”

Vicky barely raised her eyes from her Chromebook screen as she traced her mouse over her desktop.

“Slowly,” she said, breaking into a laugh. “I’m getting there, slowly.”

Johnson laughed too as he wandered between the desks to the back of the Harman Courts lounge.

“Slowly?” he chuckled from under his face mask. “Well, that’s better than not at all. We can work with slowly, that’s alright.

It was Thursday afternoon and the first free connectivity training class for ŌCHT tenants was nearing its end.

Tenants had learned how to use elements of the the Google suite and were preparing to move to bolder things.

They would soon pick from the many online modules Kanorau Digital offers, to continue learning at their own pace.

The sessions are facilitated by the ŌCHT digital coaching service and are provided by Kanorau Digital.

The participants told our team they wanted digital training when they were surveyed during lockdown.

Barb says digital training opens a world of possibilities.

Barb was keen to build upon what she’d learned.

She first learned how to use a computer in 2013. Then, she was self-taught. Over time, when she retired and an internet package became too expensive, her computer use fell away.

Before the course, the self-described “senior member” of her complex was nervous. New technology was leaving her behind.

Her eyes smiled over her face mask as she described how the course brought a new sense of liberation.

“There is so much empowerment, it’s such a supportive way of learning, it grows your confidence.

“It’s for all ages and cultures, and it’s very welcoming and open, and that’s important.

“There’s nothing to be scared of, after all you’re never too old to learn new things.”

Barb said being net-savvy will help her do everything from navigating online banking and shopping to communicating with family overseas.

“It has opened a whole new world, and it’ll help me develop new interests and connections. These are such important skills to have.”

The course also opens doors for people who would benefit from the life-changing things that come with confident connectivity, she said.

Anwar says free digital training will help him use online tools such as internet banking.

“You can find employment and get to the services you need. I think when you’ve got the confidence, you can do anything.”

The first day Holly used a computer was also the first day of the course.

Before then, she’d used her mobile phone and tablet to video call family overseas.

English is her self-taught second language and she was confident her new-found digital skills would help her access even more opportunities.

“It’s really good to learn, it is important to learn. I need more practice. I’m not afraid to learn and practice more.”

Vicky’s enjoying the pace of the free digital coaching sessions.

Anwar was keen to keep learning, to keep up with the computing and connectivity skills his daughter was learning at school.

Like Holly, he’d not used a computer before the course and kept in touch with family using video calling on mobile devices.

Now, he was ready to learn how to use email and other online tools.

Vicky’s husband encouraged her to take the course, and it didn’t take long for her nervousness to dissolve into confidence.

She praised Johnson and ŌCHT digital coaching advisor Joanne Cantrick for supporting the class as they learned.

“I really feel like we are all in this together, we’re learning valuable skills, we’re relaxed and we can go at our own pace.”

Ernie’s looking forward to continuing his training using the free online modules offered by Kanorau Digital.

Ernie was looking forward to maintaining the momentum outside the course – he was keen to keep learning new things.

  • The courses continue and many more are planned.

  • ŌCHT is contacting and booking-in people who told our team they wanted digital training when they were contacted over lockdown.

  • If you were not contacted, or if you’re not sure if you said yes and you’d like training, please give us a call.

  • To inquire or register for courses please call 0800 624 456 or email

  • The first sessions will be hosted at Harman Courts, Addington.

  • One-on-one sessions are also planned.


Peter says EVs cheap, easy


Digital training starting