Help brings ‘good change’
Kelly says she’s in the middle of a good change.
ŌCHT intern Kelly says Job Club was a great help in her work journey.
ŌCHT’s newest work placement intern is getting to grips with data migration in her new job with the tenancy operations team.
She’s been running her ruler down pages of letting information as she transfers screeds of information into our system.
The 18-week placement is quite different to what she’s been used to – and the ŌCHT tenant says she’s enjoying the challenge.
“It’s a real change from coming from being a solo parent on the benefit to working in an office, but it’s a really good change,” she says.
“It’s giving me new experience and hopefully it’ll help me get another job after this one.”
Kelly was sole charge at a service station at South Shore for three years before her circumstances changed.
After a period of unemployment and knock-backs, she joined ŌCHT’s Job Club to find news ways back into work.
“I love job club, it’s great. You meet other people, you discuss a topic of the week that might help you prepare for work, and you get the chance to say how you are going.
“If you need help, it’s there, everything from accessing MSD to looking for jobs, to getting you confidence back up.
“You walk in down in confidence and Tracie gets you back up again.”
ŌCHT Job Coach Tracie Palmer helped Kelly look for work and was there when she secured work at Phillipstown Community Hub.
The short-term job recently wound-up and the recommendation she earned helped her into her new role.
Kelly says working at ŌCHT will help her show future employers a solo mum can successfully juggle work with parenting.
“It’s a juggle but it is fully do-able. I’ll make the most of my chances.”
Learn more
You can learn more about the ŌCHT Employment Service and Job Club by calling 0800 624 456.
You can find details on when and where to meet for Job Club here. Upon arrival, ask for ŌCHT’s employment coach, Lyn.