Survey full of highlights

The 2020 ŌCHT Tenant Satisfaction Survey hit new five-year highs.

Image showing key stats from ŌCHT Tenant Satisfaction Survey

The 2020 survey found 82% of respondents were satisfied with the service they got — the highest score since 2015.

The Warm & Dry Initiative and maintenance also had an impact: 79% of respondents were happy with the condition of their home, and 84% agreed their home was warm, dry and watertight.

Many results reflected the work put in by the trades and services working with ŌCHT. The survey found 85% of respondents were satisfied with services provided by our maintenance contactors, and more than 80% reckoned their communal areas were well managed and maintenance was done as needed.

These areas all had their highest scores since 2015.

ŌCHT’s customer service, including engagement with our call centre and tenancy advisors, generated some great results. It’s worth noting we redesigned our service delivery model mid-year, establishing defined tenancy and wellbeing teams, and further empowering our housing champions.

As part of our service delivery redesign, we dissected our tenancy management function to focus even more on its specialised areas.

Now, new homes advisors help would-be tenants into properties that suit ther individual needs, and support them for the first six months in their new home. They also help at the end of a tenancy.

Well-being advisors help tenants connect with the support they might need to enhance their life and achieve a sustainable tenancy. They help ensure tenants live in warm, dry and secure environments.

Our income advisor helps tenants maintain financially sustainable tenancies, while tenancy advisors focus on our sometimes compliance-driven duties as a landlord.

Our call centre approach had changed, and we encourage tenants to make our housing champions their first contact.

Our maintenance team now performs property inspections previously done by our tenancy team.

  • The survey was conducted by Research First, which has been surveying ŌCHT tenants since 2017.


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