Vax clinic for Jura Place
People living in ŌCHT communities have another chance to get vaccinated close to home.
Mihi is holding mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinics at Jura Place this weekend.
We’re supporting another mobile vaccination clinic, this time at Jura Place, Woolston. It happens between 10am-2pm on Saturday, January 29.
The clinics are run by Mihi, the University of Otago Christchurch’s Māori and Indigenous Health Institute).
They’ve already held clinics at some of ŌCHT’s bigger communities in east Christchurch.
Jura Place is close to heaps of other ŌCHT communities, and people living elsewhere are invited.
From today, we’re delivering invites to people living at these communities:
Roimata Place
McKenzie Courts
William Massey Courts
Guthrey Courts
Arran Cresent
Maurice Hayes Place
St Johns Courts
The Mihi team is supported by the Canterbury District Health Board and St John.
The team administers vaccinations and booster shots and also helps fully vaccinated tenants sort out their vaccine passes.
The Mihi vaccination team offers refreshments for people getting vaccinated, too.
ŌCHT tenancy advisor Hannah was at the last clinics Mihi held in east Christchurch last month.
She says people appreciated the chance to get vaccinated close-to-home in a familiar and supportive environment.
Mihi also offers koha to people who get their first and second vaccination, and vaccinated people who bring whanau for their first or second shots.
The Mihi Māori Mobile Vaccine Clinic is a collaboration between the Māori/Indigenous Health Institute, University of Otago (Christchurch), Mana Whenua Ki Waitaha and the Canterbury District Health Board.