Our values

ŌCHT is a values-driven affordable housing provider
Ngā wāriutanga / Our values
We offer proactive tenant support; we build, we renovate and we strive for financial and social sustainability, to provide housing opportunities for people in need now and the future. Ngā wāriutanga - our values - guide our work.
Manaakitanga - Duty of Care
Honesty, integrity empathy and respect; we act with sincerity and empathy – we do what is right, not what is easy. By what we say and do, we show people that they and their wellbeing are important to us.
Ngā whakanui - Celebration
We recognise and celebrate the efforts and achievements of the people we help, and those of volunteers, supporters and employees.
It is what we do and not do, for which we are at all times prudent and accountable in our actions and in our fiscal management.
Toitū te whenua - Enviromental sustainability
Pūataata - Transparency
We operate in a way that meets our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.