Coach’s Column: Start your work ready mission
ŌCHT employment coach Lyn’s latest column looks at the first Work Ready Mission sessions for tenants - and what’s good (and not so good) about work.
ŌCHT job coach Lyn looks forward to seeing tenants at the next Work Readiness Mission sessions.
Wow! We’ve had an amazing start to our new Work Ready Mission sessions – and there are still more to come.
A dedicated group of tenants came to our first two sessions – and you can come along to the next three sessions happening from now until September 12.
The next session is Thursday August 29. We’ll be looking at our CVs and how we can highlight our skills and strengths and create the best first impression.
I do heaps of that sort of work for many job-seeking ŌCHT tenants. I’d love to help you out, too – so please pop down to the next Work Ready Mission and we can get started.
The job market is pretty tight right now – but that means it’s the best time to get prepared for when there are more opportunities in the areas you’re interested in.
At our first Work Ready Mission sessions, we talked about peoples’ best and worst jobs. There were some funny stories, and we all learned heaps off each other.
We also talked about the many different types of work arrangement people might be interested in. You’ll be surprised at the list – check this out:
There’s full-time, part-time, casual, fixed term, permanent, remote work, hybrid, shift work, job sharing, parental cover, relief work, contract, self-employed, apprenticeship, internship, work experience, seasonal – and the list keeps going!
We also looked at the pros and cons of working – something we all do when we work out whether we’re happy doing what we’re doing.
Here’s some of what we came up with:
Pros of Working
Financial Independence: This is the big one: you earn money. A steady income provides financial independence, so you can cover living expenses, save for the future, and pursue personal goals. Financial security brings a sense of stability and control over life, too.
Skill Development: Working allows you to develop a variety of skills, both technical and interpersonal. Whether it's mastering specific job-related tasks or improving communication and teamwork abilities, work environments foster growth and learning.
Social Interaction: Building relationships with co-workers can lead to friendships and connections that can help in your personal life or on the job. Working in a team enhances collaboration and problem-solving, too.
Sense of Purpose and Fulfilment: Contributing to getting things done, achieving goals, or helping others can boost self-esteem and provide a sense of belonging.
Routine and Structure: Having a job means having a structured routine, which can help focus on the things that matter, making it easier to plan activities and set priorities.
Cons of Working
Stress and Pressure: Deadlines, expectations, and heavy workloads can make people anxious and burned out. It’s important to back yourself and be honest if you’re not coping – co-workers and bosses usually want to help.
Work-Life Balance Challenges: Shifts can interfere with personal time, so it’s important to prioritise what’s important to you when you’re not at work.
Limited Freedom: Many jobs come with a set of rules, protocols, and supervision. It’s usually important we stick to the rules – but it’s important to contribute new ideas to make things better.
Monotony: Some jobs can become boring, especially if the work is repetitive. It’s important to understand what the job is all about before signing up, and to see if there are ways you can challenge yourself to keep things interesting.
Impact on Physical Health: Certain jobs – even if you’re always sitting down – can affect physical health. It’s important to keep an eye on your health and safety, and to see what you can change to help yourself and others.
And that was just the start of the ideas we kicked around at our last session. I look forward to the next session – and to seeing more ŌCHT job seeking tenants!