Digi training’s pure poetry
Jean Easton writes three new poems describing her experience at ŌCHT’s digital training course.
Jean’s got some pretty prose for anyone keen on digital training.
Concord Place’s resident poet recently swapped her pad for a keyboard to attend a digital training course for ŌCHT tenants.
The courses are facilitated by the ŌCHT digital coaching service and provided by Kanorau Digital.
Jean was excited before her first course in the Concord Place residents’ lounge. She turned to prose to explain why.
I’m all excited about tomorrow
Cause someone is coming to the hall
She’s gonna teach me how to do it
I’m gonna have a ball!
When I know how to use the internet
There’s so much you can do
Things will be clearer
Things I never knew
Everybody always saying
Don’t you use the net
I did try but I haven’t got there yet
Evidently my life will be wonderful
I’ll have a window on the world
Nothing will be a secret
I’ll be a well informed girl
Throw away my books and magazines
I won’t need them anymore
I can’t wait to go to the hall
And find out what’s the score.
Jean had a nervous start to her first training session. Like many of us, she had to work hard to take on board new ideas.
Wiggle your mouse the man said
Pointing at the screen
Trying to teach us people
How to surf the net
Even though he’s good at this
I haven’t got it yet
All these strange phrases
I’m sure he understands it all
But I am trying hard to understand
Over here at the hall
But a cup of tea and a lot of words
Don’t make me a computer whizz
Cause I’m afraid all this technical stuff
Has me in a tizz!
Thankfully, she and the other residents weren’t alone in their digital journey – ŌCHT digital coach Joanne was there to help.
Of course without Joanne
What could we do
Cause she seems to be the hard worker
We all rush to
If we have a problem
Or don’t know what to do next
She just knows what button to push
To get the right text.
Jean left training with a new set of skills. The poems you’ve just read were the content of her first ever emails!
Joanne and the Kanorau Digital team continue to offer free courses in ŌCHT communities, and Joanne also offers one-on-one help.
We can help ŌCHT tenants with:
how to use your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer
searching the web
creating an email account, and how to send and receive emails
setting up and using internet banking
installing and using apps
keeping in touch with friends and family on video calls
staying safe and secure online
and much more