It’s ace at Gowerton Place

The frames have been stood and the roofs are being installed at ŌCHT’s latest development.

Consortium Construction is making great progress on the 37 new homes they’re building at Gowerton Place in Richmond.

If the weather improves (heavy rain dropped the city into a local state of emergency on April 30) all the roofs should be clad within a fortnight.

The overall project is set for completion by early next year.

The homes are designed to achieve at least a New Zealand Green Building Council Homestar 6 rating.

The development is made up of 34 one-bedroom units, and one each of 2-bed, 3-bed and 4-bed units.

They’ll be built as six two-storey blocks.

The overall site design emphasises livable, shared space.

Gardens, lawns, courtyards and paths are part of a total landscaped area of 3378 square metres. That’s more than twice the area of the overall building footprint.

The homes replace 30 tired community housing units badly damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes.

Those units welcomed their first tenants in 1960.


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