
Framing up at Three Lanes Lyttelton Street
New Somerfield development begins

Willard Street wins architecture award
Willard Street awarded for compassionate, human-centric design.
New homes mark new post-quake milestone
Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust’s newest community delivers on the city's wish to replace what was lost in the Canterbury earthquakes, with the help of its first private sector investor.
Family homes arriving in time of need
We’re opening new family homes at a time of sustained need in Christchurch.

Warm homes rated highly
More awards for new homes

In the frame at Willard Street
Construction of our newest community is well on target.

KiwiSaver fund backs build
An ethically investing KiwiSaver provider is backing community housing with a multi-million dollar loan.

New homes open in Halswell
Our 12th new community is all about collaboration and innovation.

Lanes win architecture award
Our Brougham St redevelopment’s officially one of the best designed in the country.